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We're grateful for your partnership in educating our students. Have a question or concern?

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Our School

5 kids in library with books open facing reader
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Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

Welcome to Kimball Hill School!

Thank you for your interest in Kimball Hill School, home of the Cougars.

Kimball Hill Elementary serves approximately 540 diverse Preschool through Fifth Grade students. We foster a family-oriented environment where strong home-school partnerships are essential to cultivating world-class learners.

Our mission is to empower every student, every day to reach their full potential in a supportive and inclusive community.

Our dedicated staff undergoes continuous professional development to meet the varied needs of our students, including those requiring special education, bilingual services, or additional academic support.

Kimball Hill is a proud participant in the Illinois Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) system, emphasizing respect, responsibility, and safety through our Cougar Code.

We encourage student leadership, involvement, and parental participation through volunteer opportunities and our active PTA.

We are incredibly proud to be part of District 15 #limitlesspossibilities and collaborate with such caring parents and exceptional students.

To learn more about Kimball Hill or schedule a visit, please contact us at 847-963-5200.


Michelle LaCamera, KH Principal

Michelle LaCamera

Kimball Hill Elementary School Principal

Contact Kimball Hill


Have a question about Kimball Hill School? We are here to help and to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
Is this a bullying or safety concern? If yes, please use the D15 Tip Line to report your issue or concern.
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